At long last! THE GHOST OF PUFFY with be available for consumption in tangible form- as a book! But not just any book… this hand-painted graphic novel has been lovingly Risograph printed in Canada.
THE GHOST OF PUFFY PART 1. chronicles my childhood growing up in Brooklyn when I acted like a cat. Too much. In the story I find my best friend- my new grey and white kitten, Puffy. She grows up to be the sweetest cat in the world, and I strive to be just like her… the cat part, anyway.
Creating this book has been a very long journey. This first volume has taken nearly a decade to finish- largely because I got into it having no idea what I was doing. But I’ve learned a lot along the way… most importantly that I am passionate about indie press and that this is the beginning of a new practice for me. I promise that the conclusion- THE GHOST OF PUFFY PART 2. - won’t take nearly as long to finish!
Working on the Ghost of Puffy back in 2011!